School Council


Our School Council are elected each year through a formal election process consisting of children from year 3 to 6. The children that would like to be appointed give a short presentation to their class; this is followed by a ballot choosing a captain and vice-captain from each class as representatives. Year 6 take on the roles of Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. They minute take all meetings.


These representatives attend regular council meetings. They discuss a variety of ideas, views and concerns that have been expressed to them by their classmates.


Projects are brought to the school council by staff members for consideration, all matters are open to debate by the council and are often taken back to their own class for collection of viewpoints so a final decision can be made by the council. Over the last year we have:


  • Assisted in appointing a Teaching Assistant
  • Chosen what we would like on our school lunchtime menu and liaised with our Cook
  • Held charity days and sponsored events to raise money for local and national charities as well as school
  • Met with members of the governing body
  • Arranged whole school competitions
  • Organised enterprise opportunities
  • Liaised with the School Buddy Mentors and Playground Friends (challenging bullying)
  • Supported the planning of a new library in the school building and grounds
  • Raised funds to develop the playground equipment, markings and activities.


We also intend holding a Breakfast Meeting in the summer term to discuss topics important to our school.


We'll be happy to answer any questions